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PayMyCite Help Guide

  1. On the Home page, click on the link or the button that says "Pay Citation"
  2. Once at the pay citation screen there are three options to search for a citation.
    1. Notice Reference Number - Enter the reference number found on the notice received in the mail.
    2. Agency - Enter the agency name that issued the citation and a citation number or license plate number.
    3. License and State - Enter your license plate number and license plate state
  3. Click on submit
  4. If you searched by agency a list will appear if multiple agencies match your search, please choose from the list and click Submit.
  5. If results were found, a list of citations will be displayed
  6. All citations that are payable will have a checkbox next to them
    1. There may be additional citations for your license plate, to view all closed and open citations, use the "Show All Citations For Plate" button.
  7. Select all citations that you would like to pay for and click "Pay Citations"
  8. This will bring you to a list of all citations being paid for
    1. To remove items check the checkbox next to the citations and click "Remove Selected"
  9. Once you are ready to pay, click "Check Out"
  10. Enter the name, email address and phone number of the person who is paying the citation and the credit card billing address.
  11. Click "Next"
  12. View your order, if all information is correct, enter the credit card holders name, the card type, card number, security code and card expiration date.
  13. Click "Submit Payment"
  14. A summary of your payment will be shown as well as emailed to the email address provded.

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