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Imperial Valley College Parking Permit

SECTION A: Details
All vehicles parking on campus must abide by the parking rules & regulations. Imperial Valley College Parking and Traffic Regulations and the California Vehicle Code are enforced at all times. Colored curbs (blue for disabled, red for no stopping, green for 15 minutes, etc.) have the same meaning on campus as those found in any city. Any vehicle not properly parked or not in compliance with IVC Parking Regulations is subject to a citation, may be towed and/or impounded at the expense of the registered owner or lessee of the vehicle.

For IVC parking rules & regulations please visit: https://www.imperial.edu/students/parking-control/campus-parking-and-traffic-regulations.html

The College provides Parking Attendants for patrolling of the parking lots. However, persons parking on the district property do so at their own risk. Imperial Valley College does not assume any responsibility for loss or damage to vehicles or their contents while parked anywhere on district’s property. Finding a legal parking space and displaying a valid permit is the responsibility of the motor vehicle operator. Possession of a permit does not guarantee a space to park. Lack of space is not justification for violation of campus parking regulations.

The parking permit/sticker must be affixed to the inside lower left corner of the front windshield of the vehicle (driver's side). It is your responsibility to ensure that the permit is visible at all times. Parking permits are not transferable. Please contact the Campus Safety and Parking Control Department at 760-355-6308, if you have any questions or encounter any parking difficulties.
  • IVC Sec. 2.a., 2.b. Not parked in a designated parking area
  • IVC Sec. 3.a. Occupying more than one parking space
  • IVC Sec. 5.b. Parked in reserved space without faculty/staff permit
  • IVC Sec. 3.c. Not parked head-in
  • IVC Sec. 4.a. Parked in a handicapped space without special permit
  • IVC Sec 5.a. No valid permit displayed on vehicle
  • IVC Sec. 5.a.-2 Valid permit not properly displayed on vehicle
  • Permit (decal or daily permit) MUST be displayed on the car that is on campus.
  • Daily parking permits can be purchased at the day pass dispensers.
  • Some daily dispensers will take coins, dollar bills and credit/debit cards.
  • Parking permits are required Monday thru Friday from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
  • No overnight parking allowed.
REFUNDS: Permits returned prior to the start of a semester are eligible for a refund. The fee is not refundable once the semester begins. IVC does not issue refunds for lost or stolen parking permits. This policy also applies to permits that were not received at the verified delivery address.
SECTION B: Instructions
1. Complete the Online Application Below.
2. Please make sure to fill in all required fields.
3. Once completed, please select continue and your temporary permit will be generated. Please note that you must be connected to a printer in order to print your temporary parking permit. Please note that the temporary permit will be valid for 15 days only and Permits must be displayed in plain view and on the driver’s side of the vehicle’s dashboard or windshield, in order to comply with parking regulations.
4. Your semester permit will be mailed to you via USPS at the address provided by you in the application below.
5. One permit will be issued per vehicle.

SECTION C: Online Application Form

Please complete the application form below:

(* Indicates required field)


Student ID Number*(Example: G00123456)
ID Number MUST be entered to complete a permit application online.


Select Semester: *
Select Permit For *
Select Number of Permits*


License Plate State/Prov*
First Name*
Last Name*
Verify Email*


Street #*
Street Name*
Please make sure you enter the address correctly. The permanent parking permit will be mailed to this address.
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